Kune Waterfall:The Perfect Monsoon Adventure Destination

Kune Waterfall

This waterfall is like stepping into a real-life adventure as it is one of the tallest waterfalls in India!

Best time to visit Kune Waterfall

The best time to visit is during the monsoon season (June to September) when it's the fullest and the surroundings are lush.

Kune waterfall during the monsoon

In the monsoon, the Kune Waterfall presents a breathtaking view that includes heavy waterfalls, treetops in every variation of green, and mist.

Trekking to Kune Waterfall

The easy trek to the waterfall is ideal for beginners, offering lush paths, growing sounds of water, and stunning views.

Activities at Kune Waterfall

– Photography – Picnicking – Trekking – Bird Watching

Preparing your trip to Kune Waterfall

– Pack essential – Wear comfortable clothing – Check the weather – Plan your visit early

Saftey TIPS for visiting Kune Waterfall

– Wear appropriate footwear – Keep a safe distance from the edge of the waterfall  – Supervise children closely – Avoid visiting during heavy rainfall – Follow guidelines and respect local regulations